Hi fellow students! The new year has begun, and it always brings some new adventures. Hopefully everything went well, but if not, or if you have any suggestions to make the year even better, or just want to meet your student representatives, the Education Brunch is the place to be! While you're munching on a free pancake or gulping your coffee, you can make your suggestions or just have a chat with your representatives. It is always nice to know them a bit and to know what they can help you out with! Of course, there is more to it: everyone who submits a form has a shot at winning an amazing prize: two times two movie tickets! Even more reason to come to our Education Brunch. The Education Brunch will be held Wednesday, the 13th of October 10:30-13:30 at the foyer in the 200A on campus Arenberg.
Kind regards
OWG (What is OWG? ->https://www.wina.be/en/representation/owg-wina-student-reps/)

Hi fellow students! The new year has begun, and it always brings some new adventures. Hopefully everything went well, but if not, or if you have any suggestions to make the year even better, or just want to meet your student representatives, the Education Brunch is the place to be! While you're munching on a free pancake or gulping your coffee, you can make your suggestions or just have a chat with your representatives. It is always nice to know them a bit and to know what they can help you out with! Of course, there is more to it: everyone who submits a form has a shot at winning an amazing prize: two times two movie tickets! Even more reason to come to our Education Brunch. The Education Brunch will be held Wednesday, the 13th of October 10:30-13:30 at the foyer in the 200A on campus Arenberg.
Kind regards
OWG (What is OWG? ->https://www.wina.be/en/representation/owg-wina-student-reps/)