Winezen! Have you been doing enough sport lately? Well, we haven't either and we want to change that soon! After all, even the Usain Bolts among us need to train once in a while to stay ahead of the competition.

Do you want to set a good time at the 24 urenloop (24 hours run), maybe even set a personal record? Or maybe you just want to get in better shape? Then there's good news: especially for you we organize a 24 urenloop training! On Tuesday 19 October we'll meet at 19h45 at the Winagang, Studentenwijk Arenberg 4/0.

Afterwards, we'll leave together for the athletics track to train and if you want, we'll measure your time on the athletics track for the 24 hours run. Everyone is welcome and the training will be according to your own level.

Finally, at the end of the run, there will be a tasty snack available.
Hope to see you there!

Winezen! Have you been doing enough sport lately? Well, we haven't either and we want to change that soon! After all, even the Usain Bolts among us need to train once in a while to stay ahead of the competition.

Do you want to set a good time at the 24 urenloop (24 hours run), maybe even set a personal record? Or maybe you just want to get in better shape? Then there's good news: especially for you we organize a 24 urenloop training! On Tuesday 19 October we'll meet at 19h45 at the Winagang, Studentenwijk Arenberg 4/0.

Afterwards, we'll leave together for the athletics track to train and if you want, we'll measure your time on the athletics track for the 24 hours run. Everyone is welcome and the training will be according to your own level.

Finally, at the end of the run, there will be a tasty snack available.
Hope to see you there!